
Self Management And Recovery Training is an evidence base scientific peer support program to help individuals gain independence from addictive behavior.

We are an abstinence oriented kindness and compassion organization support those who are willing to make a lifestyle change. In a safe confidential group setting our trained facilitators present Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behavior therapy tools techniques. We use Motivational Interviewing positive reinforcement techniques and promote mindfulness activities.

Our 4 Point Program is developed to help you:

  1. Maintain your motivation to abstain.

  2. Cope with Urges and Cravings.

  3. Manage your thoughts, feelings and behavior.

  4. Achieve and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

SMART Recovery sponsors FREE face-to-face meetings around the world, daily online meetings and our online message board with a 24/7 chat room, for more information call our confidential phone Office: (613) 817-1781; Cell: (613) 583-9208 or email: info@smaartrecoverykingstonontario.org. Please note that free registration at our message board is required for our online meetings.